5 reasons why I decided to take the DMND Program

Wenche Irene Knoph
3 min readJun 22, 2021

Have you ever got the feeling that your marketing education from the 90’s are “out of date”? Or the experience of not having updated skills to utilize the opportunities that digital marketing opens for in your role? Well, you’re not alone!

I started to work with marketing in the early 90’s, after finishing a degree at one of the marketing schools in Norway. I have 30 years of experience and a broad career, both as an operational employee, and many years as a leader in different roles. I have always looked at myself as a high performer with updated skills. I have been very conscious of developing & improve to be relevant & attractive in all my roles.

But over the last years, there has been a change. I’ve got lots of new colleagues, and they are 20–30 years younger than myself. They have the same education, but with different content. They use a different language, they think differently on marketing, and they’re able to utilize the technology tools & digital marketing elements to reach a broad audience of people in a smart & effective way. In a way I can’t.

So, help!! Am I done now? Not at all! I know I’m good in my work. I know I can improve my results even more.

But I realized -I need help!

After hours of search, in a jungle of courses, I landed on the Udacity DMND Program. A smart choice! Just listen:

1: Digital & Interactive. You are enrolled into one of most professional online education programs in the market and can study in a flexible & effective way.

2: No experience required. You learn areas like how to create content, optimize your messages, run campaigns, advertise, market with mails, measure and analyze.

3: Easy to transform. The program has updated content and real-life –projects. You can easily transform to your own role & company

4: Intensively and efficiently! You only need 3 months! Or less if you’re a hard worker. And then you will graduate with a certificate you can add to your LinkedIn-profile & CV

5: Strong brand and good reputation. You will be a part of the Udacity-community, with access to one of the best interactive digital marketing platforms in the world. Udacity DMND program has documented results and will help you advance career and become a digital expert.

Som, take responsibility for your future! It’s not too late. Join me and take your first steps to get new skills. It’s easy to start! Just click here and get the “Social Media Advertising Guide” for free today. You will not regret!


